Integrative Massage Therapy
for Athletes and Chronic Pain Management
Deep Tissue Massage
The goal of deep tissue massage is to break down adhesions - places where the muscle has become chronically contracted. Deeper pressure is used to affect the sublayers of musculature and fascia. Deep tissue massage helps with chronic muscular pain and injury rehabilitation, and reduces inflammation related pain (ie arthritis, tendinitis).
Sports Massage
Massage techniques and passive stretching utilized to achieve a specific goal when treating an athlete and the effects of athletic performance on the body, pre/post-event and during training. It's also helpful for anyone who routinely stretches physical limits through movement - weight lifters, crossfitters, yogis, and weekend warriors!
Trigger Point Therapy
A trigger point is a hyper-irritable area in a tight band of muscle. Pressure applied to a trigger point will usually elicit local tenderness, referred pain, and local twitch response.
Trigger point therapy uses focused, sustained pressure to interrupt the neural signals that cause both the trigger point and the pain.
Janet Travell
"Life is like a bicycle - you don't fall off until you stop pedaling...It is better to wear out than to rust out, so keep pedaling."
Jenny Rice, LMT, CPT My office is located in historic Monte Vista. Clients are accepted by appointment only, Monday-Friday. Book online here or contact me via text/email. If I don't respond immediately I may be with a client and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
2318 San Pedro Avenue
Suite 5
San Antonio, TX 78212
210.573.5559 text